Calendar of The Blog

Be one of the best editors with this trick
Quickly change sentence case in your Microsoft WORD document with this quick key.
Press Shift + F3 on a PC, or Option + Command + C on a Mac to quickly change the case of your selected text.
Quickly change sentence case in your Microsoft WORD document with this quick key. Press Shift + F3 on a PC, or Option + Command + C on a Mac to quickly change the case of your selected text.
Quickly change the case of your text selection in #Microsoft #WORD by clicking
1️⃣ Shift + F3 on a PC, or
2️⃣ Option + Command + C on a Mac.
Rotate through Sentence, Upper or Lower case by clicking F3 key or C key again, and again.
Use this trick to:
⭕️ Quickly toggle through case options.
⭕️ No need to search for the #ChangeCase icon in WORD.
⭕️ #BE_A_PRO by efficiently blowing other people's minds with your quick fingers and speedy amends.
How to create beautiful links in Microsoft Word
Press Ctrl + K to quickly make a hyperlink within your selected text.
Ever want to make a pretty link but it seems so complicated? I have #simplified this tutorial so that you can be the most efficient you. In seconds you will learn the quick key to make beautiful links within Microsoft Office 365 Outlook and Word.
You can use this trick to:
⭕️ link an email address,
⭕️ shorten a link,
⭕️ add more context around a weblink, or
⭕️ just make grandpa look good.
This tip will make your content look more professional, enhancing your own personal brand.
Ever want to make a pretty link but it seems so complicated?
In Word or Outlook press Ctrl + K to quickly make a hyperlink within your selected text.
I have simplified this tutorial so that you can be the most efficient you. In seconds you will learn the quick key to make beautiful links within Microsoft Office 365 Outlook and Word. Don't forget to subscribe to receive your #onemintuts tip of the week.
Use this trick to:
⭕️ Link an email address.
⭕️ Shorten a messy link.
⭕️ Add more context around a weblink.
⭕️ Just make grandpa look good.
This tip will make your content look more professional, enhancing your own personal brand.